UKOM Green 40 page A4 Nyrex / Nirex Folder Document Holder
UKOM Green 40 page A4 Nyrex / Nirex Folder Document Holder

UKOM Green 40 page A4 Nyrex / Nirex Folder Document Holder - Hardback

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A4 Green Nyrex 40 page Hard Back

Fully Waterproof, 40 Double Sided Pockets/Pages, Hardback, 100% UK Made

The A4 HARDBACK NYREX FOLDER is needed by just about every member in the British Armed Forces

Manufactured by UK Outdoor Manufacturing (UKOM) 100% in the UK

40 pages allowing you to carry loads more information than the standard 20 page book 

The A4 Orders book is needed by all NCO's and above, especially instructors who give lessons in the field.

It is a must have item for Range Conducting Officers(RCO's) to keep their RASP's and EASP's in. 

This book is fully waterproof and not only suits members of the Armed Forces it is also ideal for anyone who works outside or is involved in the Outdoor industry.

With 40 pages it allows you to keep 80 sides of information within the book

This sized Orders book is a must on any Promotion or command course.

Green cover with clear plastic sleeves 

This style of book is used by a range of outdoor enthusiasts and Law Enforcement / Emergency Services