Onie Canine 'Onie' Dog Collar (25mm Cobra)
Onie Canine 'Onie' Dog Collar (25mm Cobra)

Onie Canine 'Onie' Dog Collar (25mm Cobra)

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UK Made

Adjustable, so that one size fits all. As shown in the photographs these specialist dog collars are suitable for medium to large size dogs in a civilian, military or security role. Due to the weight and size of the buckle we would not recommend using the collar on a small dog such as a Chihuahua.   A Miniature Cockerpoo (Cocker spaniel and Poodle) and Airedale Terrier were both used to model and test these dog collars. The buckles used are very easy to clip together and unclip especially if you have an excited dog that does not like to sit still or if you are in a hurry!

The collars are suitable for a military or security working dog as all features of the collar are to MIL Specification. Moreover, these collars are also a fashionable item for those dogs who like to show off their trendy style.

All webbing is IR Compliant and to MIL Specifications, this UKOM dog collar is available in both Black and Official Crye Reversible Multicam with a chrome Austrialpin  1” (25mm) Cobra Buckle. These patented buckles are currently deemed as the best buckle money can buy and are used today on belts worn by Special Operatives and Emergency Services Worldwide. The collar also features 2x ITW Nexus Black Triglides and a Chrome Metal D-ring.ITW Nexus are the world leaders in plastic hardware for the Military and Outdoor Market, there products are much sought after and all the best Military and Camping manufacturers use ITW Nexus buckles and other plastic hardware.

The AustriAlpin Cobra is the ONLY side quick release in the world that will not release accidentally by human or mechanical error when under load.


 * Patent Protected Design and Engineering


* 18kN or 4000lb (loop configuration) / 9kN or 2000lb (direct load)


* Lightweight 7075 aluminium alloy


 * CNC machined (not forged) for perfect consistency and flawless operation


* Precise action brass release mechanism.

All parts are CNC machined, stamped, polished, assembled, QA inspected, and packed (re: from alpha to omega) in AustriAlpins ISO 9001 approved facility, located in the famous Stubai valley of Austria.  All Cobra products are tested and certified by highly respected independent /3rd party test houses to meet the highest degree of reliability and assurances for static and dynamic strengths.