Contact Left sell just about all high quality military berets at an excellent price and are known worldwide for the quality. A military beret will distinguish what unit / regiment you are with or if you are attached to a certain brigade. The british military has lots of colours of berets and below is a list of which unit will wear which colour beret.
Maroon (Airborne Forces) The Maroon Beret is famously worn by the Parachute Regiment, also attached arms previously of  5 Airborne Brigade and now 16 Air Assualt Brigade. The Beret is also worn by the Elite Pathfinders. Commando Green (Commando Forces/Royal Marines) The Commando Green Beret is famously worn by the Royal Marines and Members of the Special Boat Squadron SBS however it is also worn by attached ranks to 3 Commando Brigade, Only those attached ranks who have passed the elite All Arms Commando Course are entitled to wear the Green Beret. Other than the Royal Marines it is likely to see Engineers from 24 Commando, Artillery from 29 Commando, RLC from Commando Logistic Regiment, Infantry from 1 Rifles, Royal Navy Commandos and certain other units wearing the Commando Green Beret. Black The Black Beret is worn by the British Military including the Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) and The Westminster Dragoons. UN Blue This colour is to be worn when on United Nations Peace Keeping Duties. AGC – Green (Adjutant General's Corps).
Intelligence Corps - Cyprus Green (Intelligence Corps). Light Blue Army Air Corps (AAC) . Royal Air Force (RAF). Rifles - Rifle Green. The  Dark (Rifle) Green Beret is worn by the Elite Rifles, the Small Arms School Corps (SASC),The Royal Ghurkha Rifles and the Essex Yeomanry among others. Khaki- The  Khaki Beret is worn by the Scots Guards, Irish Guards, Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Welsh Guards, Honourable Artillery Company, 4/73 Special OP Battery (RA), Royal Gibralter Regiment, Yorkshire Regiment, Duke of Lancasters Regiment, Royal Welsh, Royal Anglian Regiment and Princess of Wales Royal Regiment,  also attached arms to these regiments often use the Khaki Beret. Special Air Service (SAS) Sand The Biege / Sand Coloured Beret is famously worn by 22 SAS Special Air Service, it is also worn by 21 SAS and 23 SAS aswell as 264 (SAS) Signal Squadron and 63 (SAS) Signal Squadron (V), also attached arms who are not Special Forces trained wear this beret when serving with the SAS. Royal Military Police (RMP) Scarlet. Navy Blue The Navy Blue Beret is worn by the 9/12th Lancers, Army Legal Service, Corp of Army Music, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), Royal Engineers, Light Dragoons, Queens Own Yeomanry, Royal Army Vetinary Corp (RAVC), Royal Signals, Royal Dragoon Guards, Royal Logistic Corp (RLC), Royal Artillery, Queens Dragoon Guards, The Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry, Military Provost Staff (MPS), Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, C (City of London Fusiliers) Company, also several units wear the Navy Blue beret with a coloured patch including The Army Physical Training Corp (APTC), Royal Army Medical Corp (RAMC), Royal Army Dental Corp (RADC), The Blues and Royals and The Life Guards.