NEW Felix Bomb Disposal Adhesive Vehicle Decal
NEW Felix Bomb Disposal Adhesive Vehicle Decal

NEW Felix Bomb Disposal Adhesive Vehicle Decal

Out of stock

Size 15cm x 15cm

Designed to be used on Military Bomb Disposal Vehicles

Size 15cm x 15cm

This will also stick to folders, Room Doors, Lockers and just about most other things.

This is ideal for any serving or ex members of Bomb Disposal Units or anyone with an interest in them.

The association of Felix the Cat to UK Bomb Disposal Units in the UK has several publicised explanations, below are a couple but feel free to let me know if have any other reasons.

Over the years the cry "Send for Felix" has been heard whenever a suspect device has been spotted. But why Felix? The usual radio callsign from the Corps was "Rickshaw", but this was deemed inappropriate for the bomb disposal teams and gradually the name Felix, after the Hollywood cartoon character, came to be adopted - not only because cats have nine lives but also because of his ability on the silver screen to survive all sorts of mayhem. (

A specialist Army unit 321 EOD Company (now part of 11 EOD Regiment RLC) was deployed to tackle increased IRA violence and willingness to use IEDs against both economic and military targets. The unit's radio callsign was Felix, many believe this to be an allusion to the cat with nine lives and led to the phrase "Fetch Felix" whenever a suspect device was encountered and became the title of the 1981 book Fetch Felix; it is however due to the fact that all units in Northern Ireland, had a 'callsign' to be used over the radios. 321 Sqn being a newly formed unit hadn't such a callsign, and so a young signaller was sent to the OC of 321 Sqn, the OC having lost 2 technicians that morning decided on Phoenix, to rise again from the ashes. This was misheard as Felix by the signaller and never changed. (