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Blackbeard Pirate Flag Sticker / Vinyl / Decal - Black - 75mm x 50mm

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Vinyl decal to fit on most surfaces

75mm x 50mm Approx. / 3" x 2" Approx.

Blackbeard Pirate Flag (Sticker / Vinyl) Black

75mm x 50mm Approx. / 2" x 3" Approx.


The self-adhesive sticker will also stick to folders, Cabin Doors, Lockers and just about most other things


The Blackbeard Flag is typically attributed to the pirate Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard. The design of the flag consisted of a horned skeleton raising an hourglass "toasting the Devil" in its right hand. In the skeleton's left hand, it held a spear pointing towards a red heart which had three drops of red blood below it, supposedly to signal that no quarter would be given.