Official LS&GCM Police Long Service & Good Conduct Miniature Medal + Ribbon
Official LS&GCM Police Long Service & Good Conduct Miniature Medal + Ribbon

Official LS&GCM Police Long Service & Good Conduct Miniature Medal + Ribbon

Out of stock
100% UK Manufactured

This Medal is an Official product that is 100% made in the UK, Die Struck and Approved

 This is the Official  approved  Police Long Service & Good Conduct Miniature Medal 

Comes complete with Ribbon
The obverse of this medal bears the effigy of the reigning monarch while the reverse has the figure of Justice with scales in her left hand and a wreath in her right surrounded by the inscription 'FOR EXEMPLARY POLICE SERVICE'. 
No bars are authorised for this medal. 

The following people are eligible for The  Police Long Service & Good Conduct Miniature Medal :

The police long service and good conduct medal is awarded to police officers, of all ranks, when they have completed 20 years’  “pensionable” or “approved” service.


  The royal warrant for the police long service and good conduct medal states that "no person shall be recommended for the medal unless, having completed the qualifying period of service, it is certified that his character and conduct have been very good”.


 It is also a requirement of the royal warrant that candidates for the award will have "been put forward by the Chief Officer, or if a Chief Officer of police, by the Police Authority”.