Military Outdoor Nyrex / Nirex Folders

What is a Nyrex / Nirex Folder
These folders are made from a waterproof plastic and have clear plastic sleeves to allow paper documents to inserted and then used and referred to when outdoors, in the field, on excercise, on the range or on operations. These are also used by outdoor enthusiasts to put printed maps in and route cards etc. Nyrex's folders are generally soft and can be
Types and Sizes of Nyrex / Nirex Folders
Many types of Nyrex folders are available, many are foreign made and although generally good quality many of the non UK manufactured Nyrex's do not have clear pages meaning at times it can be difficult to read the information contained within the sleeve. To ensure you get a high quality Nyrex folder which has clear sheets that is suitable for military use ensure you buy one manufactured by UKOM (UK Outdoor Manufacturing). The UKOM Nyrex's are 100% UK Manufactured and to the highest standard.
Nyrex folders normally come in 3 sizes
and A4
although any size can be manufactured and UKOM have manufactured both larger and smaller.
The standard number of sleeves available are 20 page Nyrexs, 30 page Nyrexs and 40 page.
The standard colour for Nyrex folders is green although several versions are available in black and any colour and personlised design can be made.
Military Use
An example of when military personnel will use these, is when giving orders, normally an A5 Nyrex will be used for this, the pre printed paper sheets are inserted and then the user can write on the clear sheets when needed. Other inserts that the military will put in there Nyrex's include:
(TAC and Ground brief, Platoon Orders inserts, SPOTOCA card (Warning Order), Aide memoire - combat estimate & Os.doc, Section Quick Battle Orders, The Pl Sgt in the advance and attack, The Pl Sgt in defence, Pl Comd QBOs, Pl Comd Advance to contact Aide Memoire, Pl Q4 effects schematic, Duties of a sentry / stag list, Range Card, Simple range card, Section Ammo and Cas card, Slimmed down Section Ammo / Cas card, Quality Warning Order, Extraction of orders schematic, Sangar / Sentry brief, CBRN state, CBRN Threat Levels, Contact Numbers, Flap sheet, Guard List, HLS Dimensions, Location of key pers, Messages, Post Ex MS report, Radio diagram, Radio Net, Range Card, Readiness states, Sentry checklist, Sick Parade, Tp site plan, Veh state as at, Vehicles, Weapon numbers, Casualties, Guide to the staff branches (G1-G9), Route Card, Artillery ranges and effects, OPCOM(Mike)/OPCON(November)/TACOM(Mike)/TACON(November), MEDEVAC 9 Liner, A5 Patrol reportsFull patrol report, SADCHAP, Zap number auto spreadsheet, Genfor Aide Memoire , Useful Principles, Driver brief, Military Map Reading, Appraisals / Tp Comd notebook, Tp/Pl Comd notebook, Gunner Tp notebook, Individual Activity Record, Post Ex MS report, MPAR)
Above are just some of the types of information that military may put in there Nyrex Folders.
Outdoor Use
Many outdoor enthusiasts use Nyrex folders for putting maps, route cards, weather reports, emergency contact details, instructions and many other items that they need to keep dry in. Also those who work outdoor that need any paper information to read from and keep dry use Nyrex folders including teachers, guides, forest rangers etc.
Police / Fire Service / Ambulance Service / Security use of Nyrex Folders
The above services and users tend to use the black Nyrex folders and use them when outdoors and also on courses.
We always recommend buying the UK Outdoor Manufactured UKOM Nyrex folders as these not only have clear pages making them ideal for all users they are also made to the highest possible standard.