How To Shape a Beret

With so many styles of military beret around I would not dare to tell you how to style your beret. There is however a straight forward method to shape it (below), this should ensure your beret is not ruined in the process. As for style I would look to see what most people within your unit are doing, commonly the cap badge is above the left eye, and realistically that is where it should be. However some units have individuals that prefer it other ways. If in doubt ask your senior ranks.
First it is worth buying a good quality leather banded beret (available in the Contact Left Limited Shop).
When shaping do not remove the lining (This will cause the beret to lose shape over time and will reduce its lifespan)
1. Fill two bowls, one with warm/hot water and one with cold water.
2. Take hold of the beret's inner liner and submerge the main cloth part of the beret in the hot water, take care not to get the leather band wet (although it is likely that you will get some water on the leather band excessive amounts can cause damage to the leather)
3. Take care and gently wring the beret out to get rid of any excessive water.
4. Take hold of the beret's inner liner and submerge the main cloth part of the beret into the cold water.
5. Take care and gently wring the beret out to get rid of any excessive water.
6. Place the beret on your head and standing in front of a mirror shape to your desired style, you should keep the beret on your head for a minimum of 30 minutes (during training military personnel often carry out this process and leave the beret on their head for longer periods as they carry out basic admin tasks around the barracks)
7. If your beret does not reach the required standard, repeat steps 1-6, this is best done after the beret is completely dry, this is not a hard and fast rule.
Some people use razors to shave any excess fluff away, if this is carried out erratically or excessively you will be left with holes in your beret.
Ensure that when carrying out the steps 1-6, that the warm water is not to hot that you could burn yourself.
Contact Left caters for all areas of the market with both high quality beret's and bargain beret's (for cadets and enthusiasts), if you want any advice or help please do not hesitate to ask.
Cheers David