1000 Ultimate Tactel Trainer Liner Sock
1000 Ultimate Tactel Trainer Liner Sock

1000 Ultimate Tactel Trainer Liner Sock

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1000 Ultimate Tactel Trainer Liner Sock 1548_CG

The 1000 Mile Trainer Liner Socklet has a Tactel® inner layer to wick away moisture from the skin helping to keep the foot dry.

The 1000 Mile Trainer Liner Socklet has a Tactel® inner layer to wick away moisture from the skin helping to keep the foot dry.

The combination of fibres and top venting helps to maintain a comfortable temperature, with arch bracing offering additional support.

Covered by our unique BLISTER FREE GUARANTEE - Double layer construction helps to eliminate friction between the foot and shoe, reducing wear and helping to prevent blisters.

The Ultimate Tactel® range is also available in Full Crew and Anklet length.